competitor research for marketing
Marketing Tips

Competitor Research is a Great Place to Start!

Hey there, I’m Erica Sobba bringing another marketing tip. 

If you need any help or suggestions on how to do marketing for your business, you have a couple starting options. Number one, you can give me a call where we can talk about all the different marketing strategies that are going to work for you and specifically for your business. And then option number two is to do competitor research. Competitor research is packed full of ideas for you! 

Find the people that are doing exactly what you’re doing and doing well. The reason why you want to do this is because as you’re researching them, or stalking them if you will, you can find out what social media platforms are they on? What does their website look like? What kind of content are they sharing? Do they have a lead magnet? What does their email marketing look like? All of these pieces are going to give you an idea of what it is that you’re supposed to be doing as well.

Now, I’m not saying that you need to be copying everything that they’re doing word for word, but I’m saying the concept of what they’re doing, their funnel, if you will, is going to be successful and applicable for you, too. And then you can get to have the fun of being creative and being you and morphing each of those phases or those pieces of the funnel into showcasing who you are and your expertise in the service that you provide.

Another thing that I want to encourage you to not do is as you’re doing this research, please do not be overwhelmed and be like, oh my gosh, they do so much. I’m now thinking about all the time and money and effort that’s involved in putting all of those pieces together. OK, well, hang on. Let me stop you there. That is something to work towards. You don’t have to have it all figured out and perfected and completely done on day one. It’s going to take time. But figure out, OK, what is one piece that I can start working on now and conquer that. I’m willing to bet the first place to start is having a social media presence, figure out where your target audience is and go and show up and be consistent about showing up.

That’s going to be a great starting place and then you can eventually work your way into building up all those other things. And if you need any help in building up any of those phases for your business. Like I said, give me a call and we can talk about those strategies for you and your business. I hope you found this video helpful. If you did, please give it a thumbs up. Follow me for more marketing tips and I’ll see you in the next video.

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