how to connect your facebook business page to your profile
Facebook,  Social Media

How To Add Your Facebook Business Page to Your Profile

If you are a small business owner and are not taking advantage of this free feature on Facebook, then you need to make sure that you stay tuned, because I’m going to be showing you how to add your Facebook Business Page to your personal Facebook profile.

Do this from your desktop

If you’re doing this from your desktop, head on over to Facebook.com. Click on your profile. On the left side of the screen, you should see the info that we’re looking for. I currently have my business page linked in my ABOUT section. If you don’t see yours, no problem. You’re going to click on edit details. It will pull up a screen that looks like this. Here you have a bunch of options to choose from. Anything that has a checkmark is what’s going to be viewed in that “about me” section.

If you don’t see your place of work, no problem. You can click on add a workplace.

It will take you to this screen. Click on add a workplace in the company section you want to type in your Facebook Business Page. I’m going to type in one of my friends house fires. So I’m going to type in until I see my page pop up on the screen. I’m going to select it and fill out the rest of the information. One button I want to point out is this one right here. Make sure that it is set for the public so that anybody on Facebook can go to your profile and know exactly who you are and what you do.

Once that’s public, you’re going to press “save charges”. After you’ve added your workplace in this section, you’re going to head back over to Timeline. And you should see it in this section. Again, if you don’t click on edit details and make sure that the business page you had just added has a checkmark next to it. Once you’re done with that, click save.

Do this from your cell phone

If you’re doing this from your cell phone, open up the Facebook app, head on over to your profile and you can see if your if your Facebook Business Page is linked in this bottom part of the screen here. Right now, it says I’m an entrepreneur and founder and Erica Sobba. So I know that my business page is linked in my about section. If you don’t see it there, then you’re going to click on edit public details. This will give you the same option, just like you have in the desktop, where you can add whatever features you want anyone who is on Facebook to know about you,

If you don’t see your business page here, you’re going to click on the edit button next to details. This will give you those same options, just like you do on desktop of what you want to have visible on your personal Facebook profile. If you don’t see your work option here, then you’re going to click on Add Work and go through the same process that we just did for the desktop. Make sure that your place of work or your small business is checked with this blue checkmark.

Once it is, you’re going to press save. Head back over to your profile and make sure that you can see the information underneath the blue add story button.

If you need help with your Facebook Business Page, let’s connect! I’d love to help you!


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