
Work with Erica

My goal is to help you succeed in your marketing efforts in whatever capacity that is. 

To accomplish this, I have come up with several different Tiers or packages based on how much time you have, your budget and your goals. 

Check out my services below:

Tier 1: Marketing Done For You

Think of this as your part-time marketing person. Not only will you receive marketing consulting, but my team and I will execute all marketing strategies discussed. From social media management to email marketing. Any digital marketing requests fall under this tier. This package is perfect the business owner that doesn’t want to mess with the fuss of digital technology and rather spend their time on money-generating activities.

Tier 2: Marketing Consulting

This tier is perfect for the business owner that has a lot of time on their hands and is willing to learn HOW to do marketing. This tier is also perfect for the assistant that’s been assigned marketing, but doesn’t know where to start. I have a curriculum that allows us to execute marketing together, but is designed so that you can learn how to do it yourself moving forward. We can either focus on my curriculum, or we can focus on your must-haves; either way, we’ll knock out marketing together.

Tier 3: Social Media Management

Ready to build up your online presence? This package is for you. Our first month together is designed for you to learn about content creation. I’ll walk you through my 3 pillar strategy that allows you to create content quickly and effortlessly. This is heavily based on video marketing (yes, selfie videos) because that’s what performs best on social media. And I do have all the data to back this up! After our training is complete, my team and I will post on a minimum of 3 platforms, 5 times per week per platform. This package also includes data and reporting on the progress of each platform. 

Tier 4: Group Coaching

Imagine Tier 2 but in a group setting. We can either work through my curriculum together or follow a round-table setting. Either way, we’re working on your digital marketing plan. Each week, we will meet to discuss the best marketing strategies, how to track you efforts, where to pivot, and when to conquer the next marketing tactic. 

Tier 5: Digital Courses

Learn at your own pace with my digital courses. Each online course goes over marketing strategies and tactics that you need to know and conquer in order to brand yourself as an expert and attract your dream clients. You can watch all modules and lessons in one setting or you can space them out as you see fit. Access to these courses is unlimited and does not expire so that you can refer back to the lessons when you need it. 

The Process

1. Fill out the form below to book your 15 minute marketing chat with me. 

2. On our call, we will discuss what you’re currently doing and find opportunities where we can implement the must-have marketing strategies for you and your business.

3. Once you decide which Tier is best for you, we will find a start date for us and get the marketing ball rolling!

Say no more, I'm ready!